Choose Wisely an Area Rug for Your Living Room
Choose Wisely an Area Rug for Your Living Room Area rugs are powerful tools that function as transformative elements and artistic focal points. They can completely transform a room from traditional to contemporary, from classic to modern, from modern to antique. You need to decide what result you would love to achieve and then carefully select an area rug that will complement it. There are several variables to consider when choosing the right rug.
(Life)style It’s the 21st century and there are much more options than only traditional and contemporary. One thing is certain; rugs don’t always need to match everything in a room. Combining different styles has almost become a practice. Your traditional room doesn’t necessarily need a Persian rug and your contemporary and modern living room can be set very nicely with an Oriental piece of art. There is an unending variety of ideas. Rather than choosing a style, think about the atmosphere the combination of rugs and furniture will make. Although you don’t need to match the style, you should definitely pay attention to the texture and tones of both the rug and furniture. The style of your living room is closely related to your lifestyle. You will need to decide if your rug will be a piece of décor or a comfort element. If you have kids and pets, you definitely don’t want to have an expensive silk rug ora white one. Be aware that silk rugs are not very resistant thus, they are not a good option. If you go for luxury to the detriment of comfort, silk rugs could be the perfect choice. A living room with high traffic will match perfectly with a sturdy wool rug.
Color and Pattern Choosing the right color might be a very problematic issue and choosing a pattern is even more problematic. However, color and pattern are the starting point. If carefully chosen, they will add interest to a room. You should choose the color of the rug depending on what effect you want to achieve. Your personal preferences should also be taken into consideration. The color of your rug will set the tone. Remember that neutral tones are the best choice for a room with a lot of color. A colorful and patterned rug will be too much. In case you still want a colorful rug, make sure to pull all the colors together. If your walls and furniture are neutral, then your rug can stand out with its color. In addition, don’t forget to keep the balance with the pattern. Your patterned furniture entails a rug with a calming effect. On the other hand, an eye-catching pattern breaks the dullness of your bold furniture.
Material and Texture The look is not the only thing that matters. Comfort is also very significant. That is why rug material and texture play an important role. The feeling you have underfoot is priceless, especially if your room is high high-traffic place. High-pile rugs are designed for those who need more comfort and want to feel the softness of the rug. However, they are not a good choice for living rooms with a lot of foot traffic. Instead, go for a low-pile rug because it will last longer. Wool rugs are also very soft and sturdy at the same time. Silk is soft too, but very difficult to clean, especially to get stains removed. Its price is not very affordable but it gives a dose of luxury. Synthetic rugs are not as soft and warm as wool ones but are more fade and stain-resistant and far cheaper.
An area rug might be a versatile way to add more interest to your living room or define your space. Each of the variables above will give a different character to your home.