Protect Your Rugs or Carpets from Pet Stains

You got a cute dog and everybody loves him. Suddenly it becomes frustrating to keep your puppy off the carpet and prevent him from making a mess. Sounds familiar?

Rugs are the best way to soften up your floors and they are also a part of your home décor. Although you love your pet as a part of your family, you want to have your rugs or carpets intact which is not always so easy. We will provide you with several useful tips on how to protect your rugs from your lovely pets:

1. Stay on top of your pet’s hygiene

If you bathe and groom your pets regularly, you will prevent their loose hair from ending up on your rugs or carpets and furniture and the cleanliness of your home will last longer. If you can, always do this outside and avoid depositing the hair deep into the rug piles.

2. Vacuum your carpets regularly

No matter how clean your pet is and how often you brush him, vacuuming should be done once a day. This is the first-line defense against dirty and damaged carpets. The longer pet hair is set into the piles, the more difficult it will be to remove it. Very often pet hair can’t be seen because it is very well camouflaged but it might be there so vacuuming is a very simple tip that can keep dander level to a minimum and prolong the life of your rugs or carpets.
Today there are high-quality vacuums specially produced for those who have furry friends. They can remove even the hair that is stuck deep inside the pile. This is particularly good for people who suffer from allergies.

3. Set up an animal area

Pets also have their own lifestyle. They go outside, step onto dirty areas or mud on a rainy or snowy day and then they need to enter their home which is also your home decorated with your favorite rug pieces. It is a good idea to install an area by the entrance where you can wipe your pet’s paw before entering the house or apartment. Having a separate mat by the door will serve the purpose and prevent tracking dirt onto your floors and carpets.

4. Clean pet messes

Pet stains are the most difficult issue pet owners face. Pet accidents happen very often despite your frequent monitoring. The rule of thumb is that you cannot get rid of it by yourself because not all rugs require the same treatment and you don’t have the equipment and knowledge professional carpet cleaners do. You need an expert as soon as possible to treat the problematic spots. However, if the carpet cleaners are not available on short notice, you need to blot as much of the liquid as possible before you have the experts come and do professional urine treatment. You just need a white towel (not a colored one because you can make a bigger problem dying your carpet) and press in onto the spot by stepping on it with your full weight. The towel will absorb the urine. After that, you can spray a mixture of baking soda and cold water and let it sink for a couple of minutes before you blot it up again. Avoid brushing or scrubbing. Although it might seem there is no more stain and urine, there probably is deep down the pile. In any case, you should get your rug professionally cleaned and the pet stain treated properly.

5. Trim your pet’s nails

Pets like to scratch while playing and most of the time they damage the rugs in a way that they make big visible marks, snag the fibers, or even make holes. Trimming their nails could make a difference and lead to less damage to your rugs or carpets. Remember, loop pile rugs are more sensitive to scratching than Oriental rugs. In case your pet manages to damage your carpet, don’t hesitate to contact a professional carpet repairman and get it fixed as soon as possible before the damage gets any worse.

6. Get your carpets professionally cleaned twice a year

No matter how often you maintain your rugs or carpets, professional cleaning is a must. You can’t do it the way an expert can and there is no chance you can deep clean your carpets or rugs and that’s exactly what you need if you have pets.

By following these simple steps, you can make your rugs or carpets stand up against your pet’s abuse and prolong their life. Remember that in any case, you can contact a professional carpet cleaner who can inspect your carpets, suggest a proper treatment, and bring your carpets back to life.